European Journal of Rheumatology
Invited Review

Semaphorin3A: A potential therapeutic tool in immune-mediated diseases


Department of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Bnai-Zion Medical Center, Haifa, Israel

Eur J Rheumatol 2018; 5: 58-61
DOI: 10.5152/eurjrheum.2017.17076
Read: 2933 Downloads: 1178 Published: 03 September 2019



The significance of semaphorin3A (sema3A) in regulating immune-mediated inflammation is widely reported. There are multiple mechanisms involved in the process of sema3A-mediated regulation. One of them is the ability of sema3A to maintain a sufficient regulation of both T-cell and B-cell activation. Because it is involved in the pathogenesis of many autoimmune, infectious, and malignant diseases, sema3A turns to be a promising therapeutic tool to be studied and applied in these diseases.


Cite this article as: Vadasz Z, Toubi E. Semaphorin3A: A potential therapeutic tool in immune-mediated disases. Eur J Rheumatol 2018; 5: 58-61.

EISSN 2148-4279