European Journal of Rheumatology
Original Article
Place of orthopedic surgery in gout

Place of orthopedic surgery in gout


Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Ankara Oncology Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey


University of Health Sciences, Evliya Çelebi Researh and Training Hospital, Kütahya, Turkey

Eur J Rheumatol 2019; 6: 212-215
DOI: 10.5152/eurjrheum.2019.19060
Read: 3701 Downloads: 1456 Published: 16 October 2019

Objective: To evaluate the indications, surgical results, and complications related to tophaceous gout surgery in the orthopedics and traumatology clinic of our hospital.

Methods: A retrospective analysis of all patients who underwent surgery for topical gout in our orthopedics and traumatology clinic between January 2008 and December 2017 was carried out. Their history, physical examination, and radiological and laboratory tests were examined. Surgical indications, surgical results, and complications were analyzed.

Results: Total 18 lesions in 15 patients with gout tophi were operated (60% males). The most common lesion was in the elbow (6; 33%). All patients underwent total excision, and the mean mass size was 4.0 cm. Only one patient had a delayed wound healing. All other patients had no complications.

Conclusion: The results of surgical procedures which were performed to confirm the diagnosis, to reduce mechanical problems due to tophaceous and to alleviate pain were excellent, and complication risk was acceptable. Comorbidities and sepsis were the predictors of surgical complications.


Cite this article as: Öztürk R, Atalay İB, Bulut EK, Beltir G, Yılmaz S, Güngör BŞ. Place of orthopedic surgery in gout. Eur J Rheumatol 2019; 6(4): 212-5.

EISSN 2148-4279